Diaconate Ministry

Diaconate Ministry

We are our brothers' keeper and so we must wash one another's feet as Jesus did.., John 13:5; John13:8-9; Matthew 28:18-20

The diaconate comprises deacons and deaconess of the church....As members of the diaconate family, we strive as followers of our Lord to bring the good news to the poor, the unfortunates, and the least among us through our services as the Lord commissioned us. First and foremost we are servants and not rulers…! We are all brothers bond by the blood of Jesus who shed it for many, Mark 14:24.
Our services to our congregants and the world include visiting the sick at home or hospital and praying for and with them. Addressing the needs of our congregants and the community we service. Preparing and serving communion to our congregation and the sick and shut-ins. Working with our pastor to help the homeless and feeding the hungry, Matthew 25:35; Isaiah 58:10.
It is our duty to help the pastor keep peace and harmony within the church, and so we coordinate and work with other ministries within the church where we can be of help spiritually.
The church family ministry, which is directly managed and run by the Diaconate Ministry, pairs families with each deacon or deaconesses who is responsible to work directly with their assigned family members. Each deacon or deaconess is spiritually responsible for the assigned family members’ spiritual growth. Each deacon or deaconess is encouraged to get to know their family members’ spiritual needs and only share information with the group as seem appropriate.
The diaconate also manages the benevolence fund. A select group of deacons and deaconess managed the fund while the diaconate body serves as an oversight. It is important that deacons and deaconesses educate their family members of the purpose of the funds and encourage them to make use of it. It is important to note that not because the fund is available it means that everyone qualifies for it. Funds are only disbursed based on needs, so it is important family deacon or deaconess educate their family members what those needs are to help increase their chances of approval.